Here is a picture of me after 3 passes on the 'Death Ride'. I've decided to join Team in Training for another adventure to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and I'll be doing more climbing with the Altitude, Climbing and Endurance team. If anyone is interested in joining me for a wonderful bike ride around Lake Tahoe this June we're still recruiting!
Also, I'll be bringing some baked goods and caramels to the La Jolla Farmers Market this Sunday (3rd Feb) for my fund raising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
UPDATE: What a terrible day for weather! We saw a few brave souls but it was a total washout. We raised some money, but not as much as we'd like! We'll be returning on Feb17th to try again for better weather!
If you're feeling really flush you can also donate to my fund raising at my website.
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