Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fleur de Sel Caramels

I make these delicious candies every time I want to treat someone with a little gift, I love the watching the evolution from sugar into dark caramel, and I guess I get a kick off it being a bit dangerous!

I'll just link to the original recipe from, I followed it exactly, although I think you need a bit of a higher temperature if you dont want them to be too gooey. I also used a lot more salt than they used, I sometimes use salted butter plus 1/2 tsp fleur de sel

I made a wonderful discovery this time, I tried putting toasted sesame seeds on some of the caramels along with a scattering of Fleur De Sel. It was a totally winning combination, I'll do much more of them next time, although I'll have to make sure to get them out of the house pretty quickly as they became even more addictive!!

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