Monday, July 7, 2008

Mothers Kitchen

Now that I'm finished with my extreme bike training, I know that one of the things I'm going to miss is Mothers Kitchen, situated at the top of Mount Palomar, its a lovely place to stop and have lunch, particularly in the Summer, when its so hot in the rest of San Diego, its just lovely and breezy and the air is clean and fresh.

The cafe is really friendly, with a lovely shady garden outside. The food is rustic and veggie. The last few times I've been, I've become addicted to their grilled cheese sandwiches, but they also do a wonderful lasagne, great mac and cheese and lots lots more.

Its a great excuse for a daytrip up to the Palomar Observatory for a hike and to learn about the stars. Or if you're nuts like me, consider a gentle 45 mile bike ride from Lake Wolford, with around 5000 ft of climbing and a personal photographer too!

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