Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Experimenting with color-natural red velvet baby cakes

I've noticed that Red Velvet Cake appears to be a very popular choice. With some cream cheese in the fridge to be used up and a beetroot languishing in the crisper, I decided to have a go at a naturally colored one.

You can see I wasn't all together successful. There is a bit of a pink tinge, but it just seems to be mostly brown and a little dry. They were also I think I need to add more beetroot, probably in pureed form, which would also keep the cakes moist.

I used the recipe from simply recipes, a favorite of mine! I think I needed to reduce the cooking time too, they had a really nice rise and were fluffy. I halved the recipe, making 24 mini cakes, substituting some beet juice for the coloring. They were topped with a mix of 6 oz cream cheese and 2oz heavy cream and 1/4 cup sugar whipped to perfection.

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