Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weekend Cat Blogging and Wilton Classes

Thought I'd take a picture of Tina surveying the garden in the morning, she has to have a walk around and a sniff to make sure everything is ok before she gets down to some serious napping.

I also got to work on my first wilton class. I am rubbish at piping, so I thought I'd start the wilton classes at michaels. They are very reasonable, just $21 for the first set of four two hour classes, plus materials. I was lucky enough to have a 40% and a 25% coupon, so I got everything I needed for a very reduced price. I decided on the proper box for all the piping tips which also included nearly everything I needed for the first class. You can also buy the basics for $25.

I was told to bring a basic yellow cake out of a box with blue icing. Of course this sounded a bit ghastly so I rebelled and made a delicious new recipe I've been meaning to try, which had a tasty icing which was more of a creamy color. The cake was supposed to have really bright colors and I was very relieved when the instructor suggested I went with pastels. Here's a great example of what its supposed to look like.

I'm pretty happy with my first attempt although I have a lot of practice to do with the writing!!

The wilton classes seem fun although I have a lot of trouble getting past the disgusting icing you have to make with a cup of crisco and a pound of powdered sugar. It makes me gag! Hopefully I'll be making tasty cakes and we'll just scrape the icing off!


  1. And you just learned the first lesson correctly: go with what YOU consider good, not by a paint-by-numbers version. I know they're teaching concepts and skills but art has to have some individuality or you end up cake decorators who only know how to put borders and basic roses on.

    You know what I mean?

    I love your cake!

  2. I am in the midst of the Wilton classes as well (1/2way thru Course 2). I agree, that Class Buttercream is HORRIBLE! But, my 4 kids love it. Our teacher told us NOT to use chocolate cake (because of crumbs in the icing), but of course I made chocolate! And your clouds look lovely :)
