Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Following my intuition

I wanted to make some christmassy cupcakes, so I turned to Martha, her cupcake cookbook is very comprehensive, so I knew she'd have something great for me to try.
I decided on Mint Chocolate and Gingerbread cupcakes. Upon reading the recipe, I had a few qualms, but I thought 'that martha, she knows what she's doing, I wish I'd trusted my instincts a little more. There is plenty of talk about following ones guts, for instance in Malcom Gladwell's Blink, and in a blog post I read recently on a favorite blog.
The mint cupcakes only had 3 tablespoons of oil, they came out a bit chewy, not to my taste, and the gingerbread cupcakes had a whole 3 sticks of butter in, not surprisingly they were a bit greasy, and a bit dense too. I need to trust myself a little more when I'm looking at recipes like this...
They did come out cute, especially the mini ones, with a little bit of vanilla peppermint frosting with a red stripe for the mint chocolate, and some lemon cream cheese frosting and gingerbread man sprinkles, they were very festive. Back to the drawing board for festive ideas though!


  1. I didn't get good results with the Salted Caramel cupcakes from Martha. The frosting was super soft when I made it and then it was so firm and like a block of fudge the next morning. Not good. I like fudge, but not when it's suppose to be frosting!
    Your cupcakes look awesome as usual!

  2. They look yummy though! I haven't made gingerbread cupcakes yet. I was also thinking about pairing them with a lemon buttercream. What size star tip did you use on the mint ones?

  3. Those are really cute!

    You know, after having a few issues with Martha's recipes myself, I wonder if they truly test everything or check all of the recipes for correctness while typing. You would think they would with such an enterprise she's got going on. Hmmmmm...

  4. really like the red "candy cane" stripe in the frosting jenny! :)

    super festive and cute..

  5. Ola Jenny,u've got a gorgeous site here...each one gets better...u ask me to chose a fav and get lost in the wrold of deliciousness.....

  6. Wow how many nice cakes and cupcakes on this blog :)

  7. Love the candy cake top with green. :D
