Monday, March 29, 2010

Daring Bakers Orange Tian

Things have been just so ridiculously hectic for me that I really didnt think I could finish the challenge this month, but I really didnt want to get kicked out of the Daring Bakers, so I read through the recipe, realized I had all the ingredients and it was pretty quick to put together.

I really enjoyed this little dessert, lovely flavors, and it was something I've not come across before. One thing that is a bit tricky is getting a base that is easy to break into, I had a bit of trouble getting my spoon into it! I'd maybe make the cookie a little thinner in the future.
The orange caramel was a very interesting flavor which I think I'll be using for my cakes in the future.

I didnt use gelatin in the whipped cream, and I happened to have a jar of kumquat marmalade that I recently made, so I just needed to make a few cookies, whip up some cream, make a little caramel, supreme some oranges and bob's your uncle!

The 2010 March Daring Baker’s challenge was hosted by Jennifer of Chocolate Shavings. She chose Orange Tian as the challenge for this month, a dessert based on a recipe from Alain Ducasse’s Cooking School in Paris.

Please visit the daring kitchen for the recipe and more daring baking!


  1. Better late than never. They look great! What a great recipe for spring

  2. I agree - better late than never. They look amazing! Let's see what April brings us :)

  3. Your tians turned out lovely. I was late too, but it's usually a week before they stop blog checking :)

  4. I'm usually the "better late than never" person and although I was a bit late on this one, I actually got it done. Like your small tians -- went with larger myself.
