Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aussie Rules?

I'm writing this on my penultimate day of 'employment' as I start to clean up my bench, hand over my notebooks and start to get ready for my new life.

As I previously mentioned, I'm flying off to Australia to do a class in Sydney and then spend some time with my brother, sister-in-law and niece.  So things are pretty crazy!

If anyone has any ideas about stuff I should be doing in Sydney and Melbourne then please give me a shout out!

I'll be back, hopefully a little rested, having learned a topsy turvy cake, and having made a very important 3 year old's birthday cake!

Meanwhile, my thoughts go to the future.  Its pretty terrifying not knowing exactly what I'll be doing in 3 weeks time.  My college schedule is far from settled, so I cant make any definite plans.   This is very unusual and pretty scary for me, but I try to buoy myself with the messages and words of friends and strangers.   Everyone has been so supportive, and believing in me, I have to believe in myself.  Working for myself is going to be really strange, I can already tell I need to cut myself a little slack, but also learn from my mistakes!

I'm also thinking about this blog, and maybe hoping to invest a little more time in discussing opinions, and maybe not just food.  I'll probably move the cake stuff to another blog, where its all rainbows and happiness, and I can be a bit more gritty and honest here.  I had a little banter with the wonderful @beasofbloomsbury on twitter, I admire her so much for being so honest and up front and I'd like to see more of that here.  Check back and see if I actually have the balls to do it!

Oh and isnt this an awesome sign!  I saw it on UCSD campus on a little bike ride recently and had to stop and snap a picture!!


  1. Maybe you could tie this blog into your business site and then create a new more personal blog where you can be more open and honest.

    are you taking a class at planet cake??

  2. I think I'll keep this one, then add another business one with my other gmail account.

    I'm off to see Handi's Cakes in Sydney!

  3. Love this and rooting for big success in your new endeavor. Thanks for your excellent info regarding the lemon flavoring in my niece's wedding cake. The flavor was wonderful in the end! Looking forward to your creations :)

  4. hello jw,
    have a fab trip to australia! saw your baby shower cake on the catty critic's blog. cute! and i like that you had tropical flavors (guava and passionfruit)! :)
