Freed's is a Las Vegas institution, making cakes for many of the big hotels and weddings and with a line out of the door for their famous cookies.
It seemed that in years past there was a small bakery owned by the Freid family on every corner, but in recent times, they have decided to consolidate to one large operation.
Any bakery tour starts with a good look at what is on offer, and the case is just a beauty to behold!

We started by looking at the consultation suite, where up to 6 couples could discuss their wedding cakes at any one time. Amazing!
The tour continued to an entirely separate area where cakes are 'built', torted, filling added and a crumb coat of icing added.

We took a look at where the decorators sit, the bakery has 7 talented artists who finish the cakes off with their amazing designs.
We also took a look at the giant rotating convection oven, which just boggles the mind!

For me it was a window into another world. My dream was that I made cakes for people, which I do now, I dont have aspirations past maybe having my own small kitchen and studio with small fridges that hold beautiful custom cakes that I have created for people, but we'll see what the future holds...
So if you're passing through Henderson on your way back to San Diego, pick up some cookies here to make your journey that much sweeter.
Bakery Hours: Monday - Saturday 8:00am -8:00pm PST
Sunday 9:00am-6:00pm |